① 3エリアプラン (4週間)
Service Description
1. 玄関 2. リビングルーム 3. 寝室 1 (あるいはキッチン) -------- Services included; [Review] -Consultant visits your home or video chat on the first day of the project. 1 hour 40min [Consultation] -Consultation sheet (about 18 pages) -Ying-yang, five elements energy analysis -Floor plan, design, color suggestion, project plan -Decluttering / organizing plan -Purchase item list upon request [Implementation Support] -Project follow up by email, phone and text during the project period (4-8 weeks) -Refer furniture mover(s), handyman, decluttering & organizing helper upon request -Weekly progress counselnig [Completion Support] -Consultant visits your home or video chat on the final day of the project 1 hour 40 min -Adjustment as needed
Contact Details